
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Personal Training...Gains!

The picture with the purple shirt is from July when I started working with our personal trainers here at the Club. I realized that my strength training program was the same old thing, giving me the same old results. You know that saying, "If you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting what your getting." And since I was not happy with what I was getting, I knew it was time for a change!

I have to say, every workout with my very own coach (personal trainer) has been challenging, fun, and invigorating. After every training session, I DEFINITELY know that I have worked out because my muscles feel tired! I am encouraged to push a little harder than I would on my own. I've gone from 12 pushups on the floor to 30 pushups (ok, with some short breaks) while using the BOSU and other challenging positions. I have been training twice per week plus cardio on my own and I like the results so far.

The picture with the blue shirt was taken today. What do you think? I am feeling stronger and like I have more muscle definition. And as I head to my 30 year high school reunion (Nathan Hale Class of '79 in Seattle), I will feel confident in wearing that sleeveless dress!

~ Robin Robertson

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