
Friday, October 30, 2009

KGMI radio Interview on Tuesday 11/3

Listen for my interview on KGMI on Tuesday 11/3 at 6:45am (this is for you early birds!). Joe Teehan will talk with me about our upcoming Sweat 24 Fundraiser for the Bellingham Food Bank and Lighthouse Mission.

Listen in on KGMI 790 AM and let me know how I did! ~Robin

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Thriller Commeth

Darkness falls across the land
The midnight hour is close at hand
Creatures crawl in search of blood
To terrorize y'alls neighborhood

The foulest stench is in the air
The funk of forty thousand years
And grizzly ghouls from every tomb
Are closing in to seal your doom

And though you fight to stay alive
Your body starts to shiver
For no mere mortal can resist
The evil of the thriller

Bwah Ha Ha Ha Ha
Saturday Night....on Halloween....9pm at the Fairhaven Green

For some tips on Zombie Wear, check out the video below.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Quote for the Day -

"It's a dream until you write it down, and then its a goal." - Anonymous

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bratwurst is on the grill

Check out the bratwurst cooking action during our weekend Oktoberfest Tournament! To see the results of the tournement, visit our website Events page. Scroll down to the information about the Oktoberfest and click on the link to the results pdf. can almost smell these brats cookin'!

Oktoberfest a Smash!

We had a ton of fun at our Oktoberfest Tournament over the weekend. Take a look at these videos and see what was happening here at the Club!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

"Thriller" Lessons are a Hoot!

We just finished the third week of our 5 week series on learning the "Thriller" dance....and we managed to zombie our way though all the steps. Practice Practice PRACTICE! We are all having a ton of fun - there are about 60 folks who have signed up for this craziness and we are all looking pretty good, even if I do say so myself. Instructors Liam, Della, and Matt are doing a great job of keeping our ghoul going. Here is what we learned last night.....the last third of the dance!

Check out this quick interview with two of our zombies....

Later this week: more dancing, more interviews, and "Zombie Wear"

Be sure to watch for us somewhere in Fairhaven at about 9pm on Halloween!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sweat 24 Registration is Open!

Sweat 24
Helping Whatcom County’s Hungry & Homeless
November 13th 6pm-14th 6pm


  • Participate in Sweat 24
  • Bid during our Silent Auction
  • Bring in non-perishable foods or personal items

Why a benefit for our Hungry & Homeless?
We are passionately committed to helping people live a healthier life through the physical, mental, and social benefits of exercise. We figure that one of the first steps toward better health is having enough to eat and plenty of rest each night which brings us to this fundraiser. We hope to raise awareness, money, and donated items for the hungry and homeless in our community while benefitting our participants' lives with 24 hours of fun and exercise.
How fortunate most of us are not to have to worry about where our next meal is coming from and if we'll have a place to sleep for the night. In this spirit, and as a primary step toward better health, we hope you will join us in wanting to help others in our community who DO have these concerns.

Please go to our website to learn more about this event!
~ Sincerely, Robin & Doug Robertson, Club Owners

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Junior Team Tennis Travels To Stanwood

The Bellingham Tennis Club sent two teams of juniors down to Stanwood to play in a USTA Team Tennis event on October 3rd & 4th. Through the weekend the play of our future stars improved considerably.The participants were Andrea Clawson, Lauren Smith, Allyson Anders, Katie Welch, Kristin Chalmers, Taylor Harris, Joe & Peter Deck, Brendan Friesen, Reece Gilbert, Cavin Lyons, Chris Nakatani, and Max Shmotoloka. Thanks to all the parents for helping in organizing and providing transportation. Great job kids!

If you are interested in joining in on these events please contact Matthew, Carla, Debra, or TJ. These events are a great introduction to competition as well as getting to meet new friends. Let's keep this growing.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Photo finish for the BTC "You Got Served!" Traverse team!

Congratulations to Bob, Mary R., Mary L., Darcee, and Georgeann (left to right)for completing the 2009 Bellingham Traverse! It was the first entry into the event for the teammates and they "kept the pedal to the metal" all the way, finishing the 37-mile course in 4:06:30. Hope to have you all back in the race next year! For more photos of the team in action, go to: and click on "See your photos".